In der Wüste nähert sich ein einsamer Reiter im vollen Galopp. Sein altes, müdes Pferd überzeugt nicht. Wir wiederholen die Sequenz. Immer noch nicht überzeugend. Was machen wir mit diesem Pferd?
About the director(s)
Faouzi Bensaïdi
A theater director and actor, Faouzi Bensaïdi directed his first multi-award-winning short film, La Falaise, in 1997. He then co-wrote Loin with André Téchiné. In 2000, he directed two short films: Le Mur, presented at the Quinzaine, and Trajets, which won a prize at the Venice Film Festival. His first feature, Mille mois, won the Prix Le premier regard and De la jeunesse at Un Certain Regard. This was followed by WWW – What a Wonderful World at