25. Landshuter
25th Landshut Short Film Festival
18. March –––––– 24. March 2025

Animation Award

Jury Award 750 Euro

Sponsored by

Prof. Dr. Johannes Schmidt – Lakumed Kliniken

Our jury presents the Animation Award to the best animated short film. Films from all countries are eligible for the competition.

Animationspreis ohne Sockel


von Michal Socha, Jakub Socha

Begründung der Jury

What could be more valuable than a diamond? Well, love, of course.
This short film draws us in within seconds, revealing its promise and the motive of our protagonist, a thief. An interesting game between tension and humor begins. The animation mixes different styles, uses sound design, cuts, and images to capture a fascinating chase between two rivals. Creative transitions, well-paced sequences and a driving score make it fun to watch. The film portrays imagination and arousal playfully without being brash or predictable.
It is difficult to tell a complete story within 6 minutes, yet the filmmakers managed to combine crime, romance, comedy, and character development.