25. Landshuter
25th Landshut Short Film Festival
18. March –––––– 24. March 2025

Best Comedy

G-A-S Competition

Jury Award 500 Euro

Sponsored by

PZ Systeme

Our jury selects the best comedy in the G-S-A competition. Productions from Germany, Austria and Switzerland are eligible.

Beste Komödie

Gewinner in der Kategorie G-A-S Competition ist

There is no end to this story

von Cosima Frei

Begründung der Jury

Mena wanders through her neighborhood in Berlin after a breakup. It’s her last day in the city. She runs into a cell phone store, a vintage store and a flower shop – we know it all.
But the characters in it are bizarre and surprising. And above all, they just chat away without being asked. They mostly talk about love and Mena, played fabulously by Carol Schuler, listens.
They are memorable, authentic encounters, at eye level. They are fleeting, strange, funny, but also deep. Mena becomes a listener and somehow we do too. And even if we are passive – we are fully involved and we almost don’t care where the journey goes, the main thing is that we are allowed to come along.
A film full of love, fun, so finely edited and flowing in optimal rhythm with an incredible amount of situational humor.
A raw, everyday comedy that works well in every scene, in every moment, seems so free and so playful. The film makes us happy and manages to satisfy the longing for lightness in us a little.