25. Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival
25th Landshut Short Film Festival
19. March –––––– 24. March 2025


01 06 24

Submission call LAKFF 2025 started

Short films up to 30 minutes can be submitted for the 25th Landshut Short Film Festival until November 1st, 2024. All information can be found under the menu item submission call.

18 03 24

Award Winners 2024

The jury and the audience of the 24rd Landshut Short Film Festival
have made their decisions, the winners are certain.
All award-winning film titles can be found in the menu under award winners.

02 03 24


Thank you so much for this great trailer:
Producer & Animation: Muniq.me
Music: Nicolas Luquet Luke Kay
Artwork: Manuel Theodor Kreuzer mkreuzer.de

We would like to thank our sponsors and supporters for their support.