A filmpoem about the wind and its effects on people's lifes. Inspired by "Rain" from Joris Ivens.
An alien saves the world and peace reigns on earth. Almost.
Ankleben verboten
Critical documentation about compulsive hedonism and the hunt for the final kick,using the example of disorientated young people.
Not good to be the speaker at your own funeral.
And he saw that it was good.
Canned Faith - or the fish murder movie
A can falls from the sky. Inside is fish. A short movie about faith.
On Own Fist
The American President's wife has been kidnapped by the henchmen of a crazed madman! And the police must not be involved!Now the American president sets out to save his wife, kill the evil villain and save the entire world from chaos!
Watte auf Beinen
If the creators of the work are to be believed, none of the creatures shown were actually harmed during filming.
Der Lesewurm
Does public transport cause depression? Cross-border reflection on the topic of violence in literature and everyday life.
Zu Lande - Zu Wasser - Zu Luft
Beautiful women and men dance in a short, colorful film to homemade pop music with rhythm.
Attention moralists! Beer, pizza, action films, uncontrolled consumption and its lethal consequences.A passionate declaration of love to John Woo's Hong Kong cinema & a stark warning against sitting in the front row.
Liebe ist Geschmackssache
Veit dreams of making the world's first porn musical. And that's what the film itself is: a musical. When Veit is given the opportunity to shoot in a studio by a porn producer, he immediately sets off through Cologne, dancing and singing.