Thank you so much for this great trailer:
Producer & Animation:
Music: Nicolas Luquet Luke Kay
Artwork: Manuel Theodor Kreuzer
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In this section we provide you with relevant news and informations about the Landshut Short Film Festival.
Thank you so much for this great trailer:
Producer & Animation:
Music: Nicolas Luquet Luke Kay
Artwork: Manuel Theodor Kreuzer
The program and all information about the 25th Landshut Short Film Festival can be found here from mid-February 2025.
Short films up to 30 minutes can be submitted for the 25th Landshut Short Film Festival until November 1st, 2024. All information can be found under the menu item submission call.
The jury and the audience of the 24rd Landshut Short Film Festival
have made their decisions, the winners are certain.
All award-winning film titles can be found in the menu under award winners.
Thank you so much for this great trailer:
Producer & Animation:
Music: Nicolas Luquet Luke Kay
Artwork: Manuel Theodor Kreuzer
After months of intensive planning and ever-growing anticipation, we are delighted that the time has finally come: this year’s programme features a whopping 219 films from 37 countries, including 24 world premieres and 86 German premieres. From the variety of films in the G-S-A and international competition, to stirring documentaries, very different „Heimatfilme“ and quirky animated films, to thrills in the shock block, you’ll find everything your heart desires.
Participating filmmakers, industry representatives and reporting media can obtain accreditation for LAKFF 2024 until March 1st.
The submission for the 24th Landshut Short Film Festival is closed. All information about the program can be found here from mid-February 2024.
Short films up to 30 minutes can be submitted for the 24th Landshut Short Film Festival until November 1st, 2023. All information can be found under the menu item submission call.
The jury and the audience of the 23rd Landshut Short Film Festival
have made their decisions, the winners are certain.
All award-winning film titles can be found in the menu under award winners.
Thank you so much for this great trailer:
Producer & Animation:
Music: Nicolas Luquet Luke Kay
Artwork: Manuel Theodor Kreuzer
#lakffonair #landshutshortfilmfestival #landshuterkurzfilmfestival #lakff #shortfilmfestival #landshut #filmfestival #shortfilm #film
The film selection for the LAKFF 2023 has been decided. 215 films from 37 countries have been included in the program. Including 30 world premieres, 10 European premieres and 82 German premieres. All information about the program can be found here shortly.
Around 1,500 films from 75 nations were submitted for the 23rd Landshut Short Film Festival.
You will find all information about the program here from the end of February 2023.
From September 1st to December 1st, 2022, short films of all genres can be submitted for the 23rd Landshut Short Film Festival. Films must be completed after January 1st, 2021 and run time must be no longer than 30 minutes.
Jury Preis, dotiert mit 5.000 Euro, gesponsert von der BMW Group Werk Landshut
Jury Award, endowed with 5.000 Euro, sponsored by BMW Group Werk Landshut
Nicht die 80er (Deutschland) von Marleen Valien, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Dotiert mit 2.000 Euro, gesponsert von der Josef-Stanglmeier-Stiftung
Endowed with 2.000 Euro, sponsored by Josef-Stanglmeier-Stiftung
Nackte Männer im Wald (Österreich) von Paul Ploberger, Filmakademie Wien
Jury Preis, dotiert mit 500 Euro, gesponsert von PZ Systeme
Jury Award, endowed with 500 Euro, sponsored by PZ Systeme
Das Leben ist sonnig und schön (Deutschland) von Christian Zipfel,
Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Jury Preis, dotiert mit 1.500 Euro, gesponsert vom Bayernwerk
Jury Award, endowed with 1.500 Euro, sponsored by Bayernwerk
The Salamander Child (Belgien) von Théo Degen
Dotiert mit 1.000 Euro, gesponsert von BBI Ingenieure
Endowed with 1.000 Euro, sponsored by BBI Ingenieure
I, Adonis (Niederlande) von Angelo Raaijmakers
Jury Preis, dotiert mit 1.000 Euro, gesponsert vom Deadline Filmmagazin
Jury Award, endowed with 1.000 Euro, sponsored by Deadline Movie Magazine
Calving (Irland, Großbritannien) von Louis Bhose
Dotiert mit 300 Euro, gesponsert vom Deadline Filmmagazin
Endowed with 300 Euro, sponsored by Deadline Movie Magazine
Dana (Spanien) von Lucía Forner Segarra
Jury Preis, dotiert mit 2.000 Euro, gesponsert vom Bezirk Niederbayern
Jury Award, endowed with 2.000 Euro, sponsored by District of Lower Bavaria
We Will Be The Greatest (Schweiz) von Jelena Vujovic, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Jury Preis, dotiert mit 2.000 Euro, gesponsert von der Dräxlmaier Group
Jury Award, endowed with 2.000 Euro, sponsored by Dräxlmaier Group
Creature (Argentinien, Schweiz) von Maria Silvia Esteve
Jury Preis, dotiert mit 1.000 Euro, gesponsert vom Darlapp Küchenhaus
Jury Award, endowed with 1.000 Euro, sponsored by Darlapp Küchenhaus
Schichteln (Deutschland) von Verena Wagner, Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München
Publikumspreis, dotiert mit 1.000 Euro, gesponsert von der Stadt Landshut
Audience Award, endowed with 1.000 Euro, sponsored by the City of Landshut
Die WössenCops: Fake News (Deutschland) von Otto Manzenberger, Mittelschule Unterwössen
Jury Preis, dotiert mit 750 Euro, gesponsert von Prof. Dr. Johannes Schmidt – Lakumed Kliniken
Jury Award, endowed with 750 Euro, sponsored by Prof. Dr. Johannes Schmidt – Lakumed Hospitals
Swallow The Universe (Frankreich) von Nieto
Tilt (D-A-CH Wettbewerb, Deutschland) von Björn Schürmann
Kaltmiete (Beste Komödie, Deutschland) von Marc Philip Ginolas,
Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München
Memoir Of A Veering Storm (Internationaler Wettbewerb, Griechenland) von Sofia Georgovassili
Überleben (DOK Blocks, Deutschland) von Lara Milena Brose & Kilian Armando Friedrich
Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München
Bato Nebo – Chants To The Gods (DaHome Award, Österreich) von Luzia Johow,
Filmakademie Wien
Man Or Tree (Deadline_Award, Großbritannien) von Varun Raman & Tom Hancock
The Seine´s Tears (Animationswettbewerb, Frankreich) von Yanis Belaid, Eliott Benard, Nicolas Mayeur, Etienne Moulin, Hadrien Pinot, Lisa Vicente, Philippine Singer, Alice Letailleur
Alle Begründungen und weitere Informationen sind im Menü zu finden.
All reasons and further information can be found in the menu.
The LAKFF 2022 trailer is now online… enjoy!
Many thanks for the great production to producer Armin Schmidt from,
the great artwork by Manuel Kreuzer from the visual design office
and the amazing music by Luke Kay!
The ticket pre sale for the LAKFF 2022 starts on 11.04.2022. You can find all information in our service area under tickets.
Until April 20, participating filmmakers, industry representatives and the reporting media can accredit for LAKFF 2022. You can find the accreditation under industry.
Participating filmmakers have the opportunity to accredit for free and receive up to three festival passes + three online passes per accepted film.
All other team members can get accredited for a fee of 30,- Euro.
Accreditation is also free of charge for the reporting press and for members of the Bavarian Film Festival Association and the AG Kurzfilm.
For all other industry representatives a fee of 40,- Euro will be charged.
What a beautiful day! The Landshut Short Film Festival and Dynamo Kurzfilm e.V. have been awarded the Culture Prize of the District of Lower Bavaria.
For the first time since the introduction of its cultural award, the district of Lower Bavaria has honored the short film format. The award is for us a very great honor and appreciation of our cultural commitment, moreover, it is also a strong statement for the cultural asset film. We would like to thank the jury for this great award, District Councilor Martina Hammerl, who nominated us, and the Executive Director of Culture, Dr. Maximilian Seefelder.
The award ceremony on 12.10.2021 at Kinopolis was a wonderful and unforgettable evening for us. We were very happy about the wonderful words and the laudation of the president of the district parliament Dr. Olaf Heinrich and the vice president of the district parliament Dr. Thomas Pröckl.
Dynamo Kurzfilm e.V. ©2024 All rights reserved.