Playtime: ca. 120 Min. from 18 years
Venue: Kinopolis Cinema 5 Time: 8:00 PM Date: Saturday, 03/16

Shock Block 8

Who says horror and fantasy have nothing to do with real life? Quite the opposite – these genres are a mirror of our deepest fears, our rage, our hidden desires. They offer escapism in its purest form: as ice-cold revenge, as unbridled fantasies, as a cathartic act of liberation.

The bully from back then, the one who tormented you for years – what if you could finally tell him exactly what you think? Make him feel the pain he inflicted? Maybe even scream: DIE, BULLY, DIE! Two men, a restaurant table, an unspoken pain. Once, one was the victim, the other his tormentor. Now, the perpetrator seeks forgiveness. But can suffering simply be erased? Or does the universe demand its due?

Sensuously melting cheese, deep-red tomato sauce, sticky, smudged hands and an insatiable craving for flesh – no wonder pizza delivery became a cliché of 1970s softcore porn! But times have changed: in the gig economy, no delivery driver can afford to be paid in „kind“. Please, please: MAKE ME A PIZZA!

After years of happy marriage, the beloved partner suddenly shows a different face. He is no longer the man she fell in love with. Where has he gone, her once-adored NUN SLAYER, with whom she shared such a fulfilling long-distance relationship? To rekindle the flames of love, perhaps a miracle is needed – after all, religion has saved more than a few relationships.

In nine Shock Blocks, you’ll find all the tools you need to break what has broken you – with no legal consequences.

Sehnen sich Ihre Gelenke nach einem ergonomisch geformten Stuhl, doch das Angebot in den vollgestopften Möbelhäusern scheint Ihnen zu spießig und nicht menschennah genug (MOP)?

Wen rufen Sie an, wenn ein prüder Poltergeist Ihr Nudisten-Camp belästigt (FREE SPIRITS)?

Sind möglicherweise neue, mordlustige Familientraditionen der richtige Weg, um die Überbevölkerung und den aufkeimenden Generationenkonflikt in den Griff zu bekommen (SAID OF A DEER THAT SHED ITS ANTLERS)?

Ist der letzte Schritt zur Selbstverwirklichung nicht nur der Glaube an die eigenen Fähigkeiten (TRANSYLVANIE)?

Manchmal führt der Weg zur Erleuchtung eben durch das tiefste Dunkel des Kinosaals (LA VEDOVA NERA).

Your pulse races, your breath catches and a pleasant shiver crawls down your spine. However, our nine Shock Blocks not only delight with these intense thrills. They also offer many practical, albeit sometimes unconventional, suggestions for overcoming the small and large challenges of everyday life.

Do your joints ache for an ergonomically shaped chair, but the offerings in the crammed furniture stores seem too narrow-minded and not sufficiently human-centred (MOP)?

Who you gonna call when a prudish poltergeist harasses your nudist camp (FREE SPIRITS)?

Are new, cutthroat family traditions perhaps the right way to tackle overpopulation and the burgeoning generational conflict (SAID OF A DEER THAT SHED ITS ANTLERS)?

Isn’t the last step towards self-realisation simply to believe in one’s own abilities (TRANSYLVANIE)?

Sometimes the path to enlightenment does lead through the deepest darkness of the cinema (LA VEDOVA NERA).

Shock Block 8